Question of the day : Am I a visionary in trend (color, fashion or event) ?
I have to tell you that : when I decide to start my blog it was not for talking about me (because I do not know talking about me maybe and I am not also an egocentric and arrogant person).
This blog has been created only for sharing ideas, good addresses, french chic, glam events & trendy parties......
This blog has been created only for sharing ideas, good addresses, french chic, glam events & trendy parties......
But today I will exceptionally talk about me and my family background.
I am 38 years old and I just understand more about me after the all time. Of course I know I am not the only person to be like that.... and that's great !!!!
But the fact is there.....
This morning, as usual, I have read my news on my Ipad, before starting my business day and I saw a little article about Fashion trend. This article said that Emerald color will be the next Fashion color trend in 2012.
Immediately, I had few huge flashbacks and souvenirs ....
The first one, I was in Melbourne in a fabric boutique buying emerald silk fabric because I wanted to design myself a dress in this color. It was 2 years ago....I also bought a nice reptile style fabric in Emerald color to make some deco in my living room.(cf pics)......
I do not know (even now) why I was so obsessed about emerald color at this moment.
The second one, in 1992 I was 18 years old, I was in Italy. When I was in Pisa (you know the leaning tower) I bought a jewel belt with goldy & differents color stones (not sure about the colors I think it was turquoise and green with maybe a pink too).
I was so happy about my shopping, I remember people when I came back to France and showed my shopping... everybody (except my dear mother) laughed at me because it was not the trendy style of the moment.
Two years after, everybody wore a "jewel belt" because Madonna and fashion magazines talked about this new trend.It made me "laugh" a lot.... I still have this jewel belt with me (sorry in my boxes in France I should say....).
When I lived in New zealand (I lived there about 2 years from 2006-jan 2008) -my first month in 2006 so- It was so cold that I decide to have a beautiful black leather quilted trench coat. It was a good idea to wear that but not so warm for New Zealand weather. I remembered I had mink scarves somewhere in my suitcase (from France)... I decided to customized my trench coat with them (cf pics of my trench coat customized). I was so obsessed about this customized coat as well but why ????
Few months after, I saw the same style of trench coat on Burberry Prorsum catwalk.....(cf. pics) I found that really weird .....I just said to myself "ok you have good ideas !!!!" and that's all. I continued my way.....
Maybe if I can feel trends it is because it is in my blood ? Maybe I am like my mother has been .....
My mother has worked for about 25 years for Balmain (and few years for Chanel) in Paris. She has always designed my clothes and also her own clothes. She was a visionary........
My mother has worked for about 25 years for Balmain (and few years for Chanel) in Paris. She has always designed my clothes and also her own clothes. She was a visionary........
Everytime she thought about a new clothe to design ...... few months or few years after it was just a success on the catwalk or in the magazines...... Sometimes I helped her at home with pins & needles...It was a huge pleasure for me to watch her when she designed....
So I think my creativity maybe comes from my family background.
I remember as well this story about one of the sister of my mother (she had 3 sisters). It was in summer (I was around 16-17 years old I think) my mum wore a pant in silk with high heels shoes...... To be honest this pant looked like pj's but with high heels (and few accessories), It was really pretty and of course trendy.
My aunty came home and the first thing she said to my mother " OH Tina, do you forgot to take off your PJ's today ?" ..... Tina was my mother's first name.
I remember perfectly my mum's behaviour, she replied nothing to her sister..... but (and that's the funny thing of the situation) few months after I could see my aunty wearing silk Pj's pants with high heels .....same story with a tahitian style Pareo sarong.....or a beautiful bracelet she had (I inherited it now) similar to Pandora style (cf pic) .
Ok now back to my life in Melbourne.
One day, I had the idea to design a simple necklace ( a cable choker necklace in silver with a simple big white pearl - 16mm diameter- cf pics) because I did not find exactly what I wanted. I love simple things you never find in someone else.
One day, I had the idea to design a simple necklace ( a cable choker necklace in silver with a simple big white pearl - 16mm diameter- cf pics) because I did not find exactly what I wanted. I love simple things you never find in someone else.
Everybody asked me where I have bought my necklace. It was my design and just only that.....
You can see now the same type of design in few jewelry specialised in Pearls.... it is not exactly the same design as mine but something similar.... This necklace is my lucky charm.....
I have a lots of stories like that...... My beloved still says to me "you have to make business with your own design". This is the reason why I asked myself this morning this question : Am I a visionary in trend ?
Maybe yes maybe not but when I start my own company THE FRENCH LADY EVENTS 4 years ago, in Melbourne, I wanted to organise French style events..... "hummm" everybody said ..... "why doing a company specialised in French style events ?"
AND Now everybody wants to organise french style events (few companies in Brisbane and in Melbourne just copied my company, my website, my events or my workshops....). I find that really funny....but I would like to say to them "Hey guys where is your own creativity ?????? Are you not enough creative or just lazy ?".
I know I have the flair also to find the right place for trendy party or the next trendy venue.....It is just a fact (again no arrogance here).
I remember the first time I went to Palm beach it was in november 2008 I immediately understood The Boathouse will be the next trend cafe venue.... the same thing happened with few places in Bordeaux when I lived there (the night clubs Lolapalooza, les Bains bleus, the Factory -15 years ago- or more recently - 2 years ago- La corniche cafe restaurant in Pyla sur Mer ) .....
The people who knows me for a long time (or has known my mother too) always trusts my trends and my innovative ideas. They were not surprised when I started my company and created innovative events....
But being in advance about the trends (and whatever the trend) is good because you are the leader in creativity and innovation but sometimes you can see lots of people are just "jealous" about what you are or what you can be....or do... and just try to copy what you do or what you are instead of playing with their own personality and strength. That's so disapointed but it is the LIFE.....
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