Louis Vuitton City guides : the ultimate guide for Chic "Globe-trotters"
It's no secret I love Louis Vuitton and illustrator Ruben Toleldo.
Now the new Louis Vuitton City Guides collection also includes a City Guide Postcard Box ($115), a set of 100 postcards in fluorescent colors that is a retrospective of his city guide illustrations since 1998.
Each of the guide books are only $34 each and cover New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Tokyo, Berlin, London, Rome, and Kyoto/Nara. Or you can pick up a box set of all the European cities for $135. Which guide am I picking up?
Why the Louis Vuitton City Guide Paris – bien sûr! The guide covers everything from neighborhood cafes, luxury hotels, fashion and design, galleries and secret museums.
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