Les Sources de CAUDALIE
If you go to Bordeaux & regions for your holiday, I recommend to stop over at "Les Sources de Caudalie".
At "les Sources de Caudalie" you can enjoy in the same time the chic of a beautiful venue. The hotel has been designed with elegancy. You can also have the pleasure of the table as we say in France "le plaisir des papilles" (2 restaurants, the first one is a gastronomic restaurant "La Grand' Vigne"- 3 Michelin's hat- with Nicolas Masse as a Chef, the second one "les tables du Lavoir" a Bistrot cuisine sophisticated & original) , the wine (of course) and the great spa with a new technology (the Vino therapy), they use not only the grapes and the seed but also the wort & pomace of the wine.
This place is a real paradise for an epicurian person.
Les Sources de Caudalie
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