Le BOEUF GROS SEL an old fashion bistro institution in Paris

Placemats plaid alone summarize what we just find the BOEUF GROS SEL, a family atmosphere and provincial. Lurking deep in a small street one of those rare places in Paris where one could still believe in a peaceful suburb, BOEUF GROS SEL is like a rural village bistro.

Since 1945, it drags its hooves in the neighborhood, the street between rue Volga and rue des Grands champs today. 

Chantal Perrin, previously used as a brassery in Porte de Vincennes, and her husband Alain took over ten years ago and then became known by word of mouth.

Outside of a small town house, the terrace houses in plastic chairs and tables, with an air of family garden. Inside, behind the small-paned windows, a dark room with timbered walls welcomes guests in the neighborhood. 

There are so many knick-knacks on the shelves piled wall that is not much space for new antiques. You dine under the leadership of coffee mills, milk jugs and clarinets feverishly selected by an old tie. 

The puppets we address their sarcastic smiles while we remember the childhood memories before the collection of old cars and commercials for the broth KUB. Hiking boots, shoes and leather wallets damaged country and suggest a working spring preceding the time of going themselves to the village cafe.

William, the son of the boss Alain, thirties, offers a simple bistro cooking.

Input, snails, rillettes, pâté, salad of lentils, beets, salad, gizzards and goat cheese.

The dishes will satisfy the meat lovers, steak with wine sauce or Roquefort; Normandy escalope or breaded beef steak and Sea Salt. Behind it lies a pot-au-feu classic, with chuck, marrow bone, oxtail, and the quartet carrot-leek-potato-turnip. The bone marrow is eaten with coarse salt.

Then you end up on classic cream caramel, floating island and tart of the day.

But Alain is soon to retire, and the BOEUF GROS SEL will have, once again, to seek a new master ...

120 rue des Grands champs
75020 Paris


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