The Art of the French Soiree

To do une soirée or not to do une soirée?
What exactly is this rather elegant and mysterious sounding soirée? And, how should it be approached by mere Anglophone mortals?
Noun: soirée: party or gathering, with a sophisticated name to impress  the uninitiated, taking place in apartments across the glimmering city of lights (usually accompanied by beaucoup de alcohol,  yummy food and much merriment).
Still all rather vague? I’ve tried to explain you the process into nice easy steps …
Step 1: Getting there
There are several key points to bear in mind. Under no circumstances should you arrive on time – keep it carefree by arriving fashionably late.
Watch out for complex digicode systems designed to keep guests out and lift-less 6th floor apartments in distant  destinations.
Step 2: La Bise
Remember the essentials:
  • Smile (not too much in order to remain mysterious)
  • Perch two dainty kisses one on each cheek
  • Compliment the host (it always goes down a treat)
I recommend arriving bearing wine. Don’t worry about breaking the bank – surprisingly, even inexpensive supermarket plonk is still very drinkable.
Step 3:  Chit Chat
Eek! Now that the introductions are out of the way, it’s time to mingle!
After much trial, a little terror and plenty awkward silence,  French small talk is… well, in fact, rather what it isn’t. It isn’t all that different from Anglophone variety. Conversations boil down to the following questions which are designed to place you within the rich and varied French tapestry.

  • Where do you live? (if the soiree is in Paris ---) Which arrondissement? Bourgeois St Germain? Trendy Canal St Martin? Cosmopolitan Belleville?)
  • What do you do? (A typically anglophone teacher job? A student? This is natural curiosity: why exactly have you ventured beyond the anglophone bubble to the French argot*loving whirlwind of Paris?)
  • What/ where did you study?  (Background info that’s helpful to establish common ground).
Final words of wisdom?
When in France do as the French people do.
Borrowed proverbs aside, I can but sing the virtues of  soirées – give one a go if you have the chance. Who can say no to pungent cheese, fine wine and lively conversation? Don’t worry if your French isn’t great, it’s all about taking part. I can assure you that grammar gets forgotten once the Bordeaux starts flowing!
Simply be yourself and bonne soirée!


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